Music Therapy in Richmond: Pacific Autism Family Network Centre
ET Music Therapy has two studios within the Pacific Family Autism Centre. Both the 1st floor and 2nd floor studio operate 7 days a week: 8am-8pm. Our studios are equipped with pianos, drum sets, percussion instruments, melodic instruments and engaging developmental materials.
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ET Music Therapy is excited to offer a variety of music therapy services, for all age groups (see below).
The PAFN is located at : 3688 Cessna Dr. Richmond, BC
Individual Sessions
Come explore a variety of enticing instruments and activities, sing and move! Servicing early intervention, pre-school, adolescents and adults. One to one sessions address skill acquisition and relationship skills in a collaborative approach. Available 7 days a week (mornings, afternoons, and early evenings).
Group Sessions
Comprised of 2-5 participants, early learner groups & elementary age groups target social skills and peer engagement. When needed, participants are accompanied by a caregiver/parent, who takes part in the session.
Group sessions available by arrangement. Please note that finding compatible session times and matching members by age and skill level may take some time.
Rock bands & Jam Sessions
Offered to adolescents and adults wanting to participate in fun, no pressure, creative peer jam sessions. Explore keyboards, drums, electric guitars and bass etc., learn favorite songs, participate in recording and performing at PAFC.
Music Heals raises money and awareness for music therapy programs in Canada. Bikers for Autism combines the passion of riding motorcycles to raising public awareness & funds to support individuals/families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. Music Heals has partnered with Bikers For Autism to make a 10 year commitment to fund the music therapy program at PAFC, and the incredible music therapy studio that bears the names of both organizations.
"We look forward to supporting ET Music Therapy in their efforts to manage all of the services provided to clients and their families in this wonderful space. We're so excited for our friends at PAFC and are honoured to be part of their incredible facility." Chris Brandt, Executive Director, Music Heals