Special Connection

On a Sunday, a little miracle occured that brought our practice alight...
(as told by one of our music therapists, Luke Lee Burton)

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"I broke my clavicle a couple of weeks ago going over the handlebars of my mountain bike. When I have a lot of physical pain I feel the physical pain, but almost more prominent than that is sort of a psycho-emotional disorientation. I went into work for the first time last Wednesday, which was two weeks after my accident. When I pulled up after the forty minute commute, I realized that I had forgotten my key. I always keep my key in my backpack, but because of my broken clavicle, I decided to bring my things in a handheld bag instead. Luckily the person at the front desk had a master key and they were able to let me into the studio. I put a reminder on my phone and my iPad saying “key” for Sunday morning which would be the next time I would be going in.

Sunday morning all my reminders went off and I arrived at the centre with my key. I had my first session and the pain was getting quite strong by the time the session ended. The client left and I went out of the studio to use the bathroom and realized I’d left my key inside and locked myself out. This was Sunday so there was nobody working at the front desk. There was one other car in the parking lot, so I went upstairs, looked around and finally found an office that had a person in it. I told him what happened and asked if I could try his key. He said he didn’t think it would open any other door and I agreed because I had once been on the opposite side of that situation and my key didn’t work to let the person into their space. Anyway, he came down with me and sure enough, to both of our surprise, it opened up. I was relieved and it gave me time to set up for the next session.

The next client was a six-year-old boy with autism coming in for his first session, accompanied by his mom. He was immediately drawn to the foam alphabet letters. He pulled them off the shelf, stuck the top letters, A, B, and C together. His mom and I acknowledged that that was neat and she explained that he loves the alphabet. We then encouraged him to transition into something else and I don’t even think he looked up, he was so focused on rummaging around the letters. He started pulling letters out from inside their borders, and the whole thing seemed pretty chaotic. He then cleared a little spot on the floor and much to our surprise, arranged the letters to spell KEY...

He hadn’t said anything to me, hadn’t really even looked at me. His mom said, “wow, it often surprises us what he comes up with." The client did not know anything about the misplaced keys, or my travails that morning."

(written by Luke Lee Burton)

Interview with Ian Thornley from Big Wreck for World Music Therapy Day

Ian Thornley from Big Wreck- Interview with Esther Thane for World Music Therapy Day

March 1, 2018 was celebrated around the world as: World Music Therapy Day, thanks to the initiative led by Music Heals Canada. Yesterday I had the privilege of interviewing Ian Thornley, singer and lead guitarist of the long standing Canadian band: Big Wreck. We chatted about music's connection and significance in one's life. Big Wreck are performing March 1 & 2 at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver- the latest stop on their 20th Anniversary North American tour. Thank you for the chat Ian!

Federal Health Minister visits the ET Music Therapy program at the Pacific Autism Family Centre- October 22, 2017

What an honor performing some Bruce Cockburn for the Federal Minister of Health- Ginette Petitpas Taylor and Richmond MP- Joe Peschisolido. ET Music Therapy / Meet  Pacific Autism Family Network

A little impromptu performance at the Pacific Autism Family Network! With my friend Joe Peschisolido -- Une performance impromptue! Avec mon ami Joe Peschisolido.

Music Heals "Strike a Chord" Fundraiser Event- October 19, 2017


Evret Tucker & Esther Thane attended Music Heals concert event at The Commodore in Vancouver. 

Fabulous performers including Sam Roberts! Over $500,000 was raised!  Thanks Chris Brandt & Music Heals!

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Amazing music, musicians, music therapists and community advocates coming together to raise awareness and money for music therapy services in Canada.  Fabulous performers including Sam Roberts! Over $500,000 was raised!  Thanks Chris Brandt & Music Heals!